Monday, December 8, 2008

The End Of This Site

So, I cant help but look back to April when everyone's life was turned upside down. One of my brothers was kind enough to create this site for me to update all the extended family and friends on Richard and Christie's condition. We have choosen, until now, to keep our site filled with positive and encouraging comments. Unfortunately, people have taken it upon themselves to speak there mind about things that they are seriously uneducated about. I will no longer update this website anymore. The people who truely care about Richard and Christie I speak to constantly anyway and can receive their info that way.

Now, let me educate some of you. Fact: Richard has guardianship and custody of Christie as he did BEFORE the accident. Fact: Richard makes the decisions for Christie, same as he did BEFORE the accident. Rumor: Christie has TONS of money that Richard controls. The small amount of money in Christie's trust fund (that isnt even controlled by him, the court does!) isnt even enough to pay for her hearing impaired phone. Fact: Becky (or any of her so called concerned friends and family) hasnt visit Christie in almost 2 months. If all of you are SO worried about her well being and if she is being cared for properly, where are you? Rumor: I used Christie's trust money to add an addition to my house. I paid for that with my own money. I have never had ANY access to ANY of Christie's money. That is controlled by the courts! Fact: Becky has been fradulently receiving monthly Social Security Benefits for Christie. Cant wait to see what the government has to say about that. Fact: I did say that Becky would have to be responsible for Christie, however, it is now being used in a different context. I love how you twist my words to try and benefit you. I said that if they BOTH remained in the disabled condition they were in that I could not take care of both of them. It would not be a safe enviroment. Rumor: Katrina visits Christie weekly. She has not visited Christie in more than a month. How is that a positive influence. Fact: Christie is 2 hours from Richard, not 4. Quit exaggerating everything. Fact: Richard loves Christie with all his heart. He constantly talks about Christie, calls her, write her notes daily, and constantly tries to find ways to get her closer to him. He has, since the begining, had her best interest in mind and he will continue to do so. If you dont agree with him, too bad!

It is so sad that instead of using your time wisely to find a way to be with your daughter, you sit behind your computer and cause striff between the families. You and you alone are making things difficult for yourself. Feel free to continue in any behavoir that you so desire, that certainly is your choice. However, I dont see you getting anything positive accomplished with the way you are acting currently.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Clearing Confusion

I have been doing the finalization of guardianship legalities and as anyone knows about paperwork, it must be done properly. Christies Mother will still be able to call and visit and send items to her. There was a brief time period between the Court Guardian and I where the place Christie is at was required to keep some items sent aside for whom was the Guardian after signing for them. There was never any malice in place by anyone.
Christie is doing very well and is kept busy. She has been doing much reading on her own. I am proud of her. There are many therapies that are helping her and I would not be suprised to hear that she is walking soon.
The picture above is a wonderful reminder to all of us about Christie's spirit!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Our week with christie

Dave, Richard and I (Madge) visited Christie on Sunday morning. When we arrived there, Christie was in the hall near the nurses station and she was reading her Harry Potter book. I asked her if she liked the book and she said very emphatically that she loved it. Christie was in a very communicative mood. She communicated the whole time Richard, Dave and I were there. We went for a stroll in the park with Christie where she was so happy to feel the sun and wind on her face. It was nice to see a smile on her face but even better when she reached over and grabbed Dad's arm to pull him closer and held his hand while they walked/strolled together. She tried to vocalize a few times when she wanted to get Richard's attention. All in all it was a very great day for all.

We went on Monday at 1:45 so Richard could go with her to her doctor's appointment but she left earlier than was scheduled so we missed her. We stayed until 6:00 PM hoping to see her before we had to leave but she was late comming back. This was very dissappointing to us but we knew we would see her on Thursday for her Thanksgiving festivities.

Thursday we arrived just before she got back from another doctor's appointment. This was her hearing test. She was so glad to see us that she gave us all a big hug and lots of kisses. She talked and talked (with her letter board) so much that we had to slow her down. She told her dad about her Florida friends Courtney, Jackie, and Donella and asked him to contact them to say hello. She wrote a little note to them for Richard to send. Dave upgraded her DVD player and she asked to watch a movie. She picked a Naruto movie, took the remote and turned it on herself. We are so proud of her and her accomplishments. We all were dissappointed that she could not join the families and other patients in the dinning room for the breaking of the bread but it would not have been wise to have her in there as she can't eat and it would upset her. Hopefully soon after her swallow study she can join us. The staff agreed. Richard met with Christie's teacher to see how her studies will go. They will do her schooling in house instead of taking her to school. She has to have a thorough neuro eval prior to this so they can properly place her. Richard had to go to work the next day so we left at 7:30 but we wish we could have stayed with her longer. It takes 2 1/2 hours to get home. This was a very positive and uplifting day for everyone. Unfortunately, Angie and Philip couldnt join us. They spent the week on a WELL DESERVED vacation down in the Carribean but they were with us in spirit.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

A New Toy

Hopefully soon, Christie will have a new toy that will help her communicate better. About one month ago Richard began looking into a phone system that allows Christie to type her responses. They well exceed $500 and we would need two ( one for her and one for Richard). Dave was able to contact some companies that help disabled children and there was grant money out there that helps cut the cost. It will take a little more time to work everything out with AT&T and Florida Club Care to get everything installed and working properly but we think it will help Christie better communicate. Looking forward to a conversation with her soon. Also, Richard is spending four days with Christie this week and he cant be any happier. The FCC is having a Thanksgiving day celebration this Thursday for the patients and all there family. It will be a joyous day for all of us to be together and celebrate what we are all thankful for.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Christie's New Home

Richard and I went and hung out with Christie this week. She seems to be settling into her new place. We found her in the activities room watching Harry Potter. She immediately wanted us to take her outside. Outside we went! It could not have been a more beautiful day. She played with the local cat "cookie" that hangs out there. The birds are used to being fed also so they would come right up to you. She kept mouthing 'come here birdie birdie'. We stayed outside for most of the day. She said she felt free out there. She seems to be more alert than normal. It was pleasant to see here happy. I let her use my cell phone to text page her mom. She was getting mad at the phone because she thought the I was an L so she was mispelling words but she figured it out. She will start attending school soon. They have enrolled her in a school for special needs children. They said it usually takes a couple weeks to get accepted. Then she will go by bus everyday to school. She wasnt sure what to think about that. Anyway, we are looking forward to our next visit.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

New Home For Now

Just wanted to let everyone know that Christie was moved to a skilled nursing facility on Tuesday. She did well during the transition. The facility is in North Miami Beach. Chrisite has been on a waiting list for several facilities because her insurance benefits were not paying for her to remain in FINR anymore. When this facility became available, she was moved. The decision was not made by ANY family member from either side. We actually all found out about it the night before. She was transferred upon the request of the court guardian. She is still however on a waiting list for a facility much closer to Richard's home. If and when it becomes available Richard will most likely move her there. Please continue to pray that she continues to get stronger! Thank you to everyone who continues to pray for our family.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Hello Everyone

I know I havent blogged for a while and its for a reason. Richard is doing well. He is back to working full time. Although it proved to be difficult, he is overcoming the small obstacles he runs into. Christie is doing fantastic as well. Richard is not comfortable with me discussing Christie's personal health issues in a public forum for all to see. I respect that and have chosen to not talk about Christie in-depth. I will say that he enjoys the time he spends with her. She looks great and we have wonderful conversations with her! Continue to pray that they both improve daily!